Our Social Purpose Partners
Since launching in Sydney in 2013, 10×10 has raised over $5 million for early stage, grassroots NFPs in 14 cities across 7 countries. We provide the platform for our skilled volunteers to discover the most outstanding social purpose organisations, who are innovating to solve problems for vulnerable people. By investing in new ideas, we aim to accelerate support for; people living with a disability, homelessness, mental health conditions, domestic violence, food insecurity, marginalisation, and other benevolent cause areas.

Orange Sky

Orange Sky co-founders Nic Marchesi and Lucas Patchett (above left) are an excellent example of social entrepreneurs whose mission has benefited from 10×10’s early stage and ongoing support. Since they were identified and boosted by 10×10 volunteers, Nic and Lucas’ innovation has been recognised both internationally by President Barack Obama as part of the Obama Foundation Leaders Program, and locally when honoured as Young Australians of the Year in 2016.
Fighting Chance

Laura O’Reilly (left) co-founded Fighting Chance with her brothers, Jordan and Shane. Shane was a bubbly, intelligent young man with profound Cerebral Palsy, who wanted to use his skills and talents to make a real contribution. Together, they imagined a new future for people living with a disability and founded Fighting Chance, which now supports more than 1,000 people. In 2021 Laura was awarded an Order of Australia for services to the disability community.
Hungry Monk Rescue Truck

It was a time when our news feeds were dominated by the horrendous death toll and living conditions in New York and the whole world was paralysed by the fear of infection. Yet 10×10’s brave volunteers stepped up to volunteer to pack food boxes, drive trucks and ramp-up Hungry Monk’s output. Meanwhile, they were amongst the first in the world to organise online activities from cocktail making to yoga and Booty Blast. The finale event featured musicians JT Roach and Allison Gordon to raise funds, awareness and more volunteers for Father Mike and Hungry Monk Rescue Truck.
Ocean Heroes

Ocean Heroes co-founders Sam Moyle (L) and Luke Hallam (R) captured the hearts and minds of the audience at our first Perth 10×10 in 2021. Children on the autism spectrum have experienced breakthrough results and these have impacted whole families, plus their school and wider communities. Beyond a significant financial boost, Ocean Heroes have also found much needed support with strategic & business planning from highly skilled 10×10 volunteers.