Join us for an exciting 10×10 Melbourne live event in support of three very meaningful organisations:

Housing All Australians, The Pink Elephants Support Network and The Water Well Project.

DATE: Thursday 30 March 2023
TIME: 6pm to 9pm
VENUE: The Common Cremorne
10-20 Gwynne St, Cremorne VIC 3121

You will attend as a guest of our volunteer project committee, with complimentary drinks and canapes provided.

Spots are limited! Make a tax-deductible $100 pledge per attendee to attend this special event in support of our three social purpose partners.
Upon arrival, you’ll receive 2 x $50 charity dollar vouchers, and after hearing the organisations’ pitch, you get to decide who your donation goes to – it’s all part of the fun of 10×10!

While making an impact this event will be led by MC Dan Monheit, and Sharks David Williams and Paul Naphtali.


Dan the CEO of Hardhat, Australia’s foremost agency built on behaviour. Dan is on a mission to help more business leaders, marketers and brands understand why people do the things that they do and is regarded as one of the industry’s leading thinkers in the areas of brands, communications and human decision making. Dan is a regular speaker and contributor to industry publications. His expertise in this space have seen him present on the topic to thousands of people, both locally, and at major international events including SXSW in Austin Texas as well as share his insights as co-host of ‘Bad Decisions’, a behavioural science podcast that has listeners in more than 90 countries. His first book ‘The Why, the Book’ has recently launched on Amazon, becoming a Marketing & Consumer Behaviour #1 Best Seller.


David is one of Australia’s best known Investment Bankers who specialises in Agriculture, Food and Beverages. His PhD research at the University of Sydney was on the “Capital structure of co-operatives.” So, when he went into Investment Banking in 1984, the first job he worked on was a merger of SPC and Ardmona. He recently sold SPC for Coke.

In the last 30 years, he has run the Mergers & Acquisitions business for Arthur Anderson, the ANZ Bank, Hambros Bank from the UK, and Bank Societe Generale from France. He has advised many of our biggest Food and Agriculture companies including Incitec Pivot, the Australian Wheat Board, CSR, ABB Grain, Bulla, Nufarm, Tassal, and, Select Harvests. He floated Bega Cheese and then bid for Warrnambool Cheese and more recently bought Vegemite and the Kirin dairy assets for them.

In Tasmania, he personally bought the bankrupt salmon producer Tassal for $42m, refinanced the company and listed it on the Stock Exchange, turned the business around and merged it with the next largest competitor. It is now Australia’s largest aquaculture company and worth $720m. He also purchased water rights in the new Tasmanian irrigation scheme and is one of the largest owners of water in Tasmania.

David holds an Honours and Master’s degree in Economics and conducted Ph.D. research on Cooperatives and their capital structures. He is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. David is Chairman of ASX-listed companies; PolyNovo Limited (ASX:PNV) and RMA Group Limited (ASX:RMY) and a Director of Medical Developments International (ASX:MVP).


Paul is the cofounder of Rampersand, an early stage Australian venture capital fund investing in the boldest and brightest Australian/New Zealand tech founders. After nearly two decades in tech across Australia, UK, Israel and Silicon Valley, with a particular focus on marketing and commercial growth, Paul set up Rampersand in Australia to support the next generation of founders and investors to realise their crazy dreams.

Paul is happily married to Lynne, and together with their three children, two siblings and Paul’s parents, he contributes to running a small family foundation with a focus on health, poverty, indigenous wellbeing and Israeli/Jewish causes.


Housing All Australians is a business-led initiative dedicated to helping address Australia’s chronic shortage of low-income affordable housing. HAA believes in addressing both the short and long term impacts of homelessness.

Within an elephant community if a mother elephant loses her baby, the other elephants use their trunks to form a physical circle of support around her. Pink Elephants provides the latest resources, information and peer-support for anyone impacted by early pregnancy loss.

The Water Well Project provides free, interactive and inclusive health education sessions for Community groups from migrant, refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds. Sessions are facilitated by volunteer healthcare professionals.


We are so grateful for all of our partners who play a crucial role in ensuring we can continue to build 10×10