Join us to support three London-based charities who are all supporting their community’s mental health:
Brixton Chamber Orchestra, The Maya Centre and The Shannon Trust

Date: 17 November 2022
Time: 7pm to 10pm
Location: Huckletree Shoreditch
Alphabeta Building, 18 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AH

Spend an evening packed full of entertainment, complimentary food & drink and a very exciting raffle and auction.

Tickets to the event are £60. On arrival, you’ll receive 2 x pledge tokens of £30. Each charity will tell you more about themselves on the night and then you decide who your donation goes to – all part of the 10×10 fun! Can’t decide where to place your donation? Don’t worry, there’s also a chance to buy more pledge tokens on the night!

We can’t wait to see you there!

10×10 London Committee


Brixton Chamber Orchestra brings together communities through music including free concerts for less privileged audiences and acting as a platform for up-and-coming local artists

The Maya Centre provides free, culturally sensitive counselling, group work and complementary therapies to women on low incomes

The Shannon Trust transforms lives by supporting disadvantaged people to learn to read both in local communities and prisons


A big thank you to our sponsors for making this event possible!


We are so grateful for all of our partners who play a crucial role in ensuring we can continue to build 10×10

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