Unit 8: Evaluation
8.0 Essential Thankyous + Passing on Learnings
The most important phrase, above any other, in the world of charity and fundraising is ‘THANK YOU’. Please never underestimate the power of a genuine, heartfelt letter or message of thanks. Consider printing, signing with a real pen and placing in an envelope for the ultimate in modern thanks. You can then also thank publicly by using social media.
The Marketing and Communications Leads will have the social media and comms based thank you’s in hand, but nothing beats your personalized thanks directly to the people that you worked with or those you asked for support.
If your supporter is deemed a major donor, then please do reach out and request the additional thanks from 10x10HQ – we will be delighted to ensure that we send appropriate thanks. Contact verina@10x10philanthropy.com
Here are some template thank you certificates at Canva.
Finally, the Wrap Up and Evaluation are essential tasks within an overall event management plan, but we understand as volunteers it can be hard to find the energy needed for these final steps. 10×10 Project Committees are talented, successful and effective operators and in seeking to make the world a better place, we need your participation in this final stage to help us to continue to improve with your feedback. Your final efforts sending out gratitude, and the wrap up and evaluation make a huge difference to the overall impact of this and future campaigns!