Join us in London for an exciting 10×10 event in support of the community’s mental health.
Spend an evening packed full of entertainment, complimentary food & drink and a very exciting raffle and auction.
The theme of the night is centred around “Breaking the cycle”, shining a light on the vital work of three exceptional charities that support vulnerable people impacted by violence and poverty at all stages of life.
Tickets to the event are £60. On arrival, you’ll receive 2 x pledge tokens of £30. Each charity will tell you more about themselves on the night and then you decide who your donation goes to – all part of the 10×10 fun! Can’t decide where to place your donation? Don’t worry, there’s also a chance to buy more pledge tokens on the night!
We can’t wait to see you there!
10×10 London Committee
IMECE is a women centre standing against all forms of violence against women and girls, focusing on Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee women living in London. Their services focus on providing training and counselling to women and young girls who would otherwise have no access to support due to lack of public funding and barriers caused by emotional abuse and language.
Mary’s exists to provide therapeutic care and practical safety to young people impacted by violence and poverty and consequently at risk of being excluded from school and entering the criminal justice system.
StandOut’s mission is to ensure more people leaving prison are empowered to transform their own lives, realise their potential, and escape the justice system for good. StandOut provides intensive programmes for people inside prisons, followed by 1:1 coaching and holistic support after release for as long as required.