Attend the event

10×10 Auckland Supercharged

Join 10×10 Auckland for their fundraising event at AUT Atrium in support of three amazing local social purpose organisations:

Orange Sky Aotearoa, Woven Earth and Upside Youth Mentoring.

Date: Thursday 10 November
Time: 5.45pm – 9.30pm
Venue: AUT Atrium | Wellesley Street, Auckland

Come along to hear from three inspirational charitable leaders (aka the Dragons), followed by a live interactive Dragon’s Den style fundraiser.

Secure your place by making a pledge of $100 or $150 which gives you entry to the event and includes complimentary canapés and drinks.
You can also choose the ‘Friends of 10×10’ package to enjoy exclusive benefits that come with pledging 10 people in a bundle.

Your pledge to attend doubles as your donation so once you’ve heard their powerful kaupapa, you’ll be empowered to choose where your money goes – it’s all part of the fun of 10×10!

So what are you waiting for?

The Social Purpose Organisations

Orange Sky is a not-for-profit organisation providing people experiencing homelessness with access to free laundry services, warm showers and genuine, non-judgmental conversation, across New Zealand.

Woven Earth turns empty houses into homes for those who have fled violence and are trying to rebuild their lives. We are a caring community of individuals and businesses passionate about doing something positive in response to family violence.

Upside Youth Mentoring (formerly Brothers In Arms) exista to support change in Aotearoa New Zealand’s young people with adverse childhood experiences. They want to help them feel a little brighter and more loved than they did yesterday.

Event Sponsors


We are so grateful for all of our partners who play a crucial role in ensuring we can continue to build 10×10

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